BTT Boston Graduation and Newest Black Belt

Brazilian Top Team Boston held it’s semi-annual belt ceremony on December 4 and 5 of 2013. The ceremony was a complete success!

Professors Joao Amaral, Daniel Gazoni, and Bruno Amaral promoted over fifty students. Many students received stripes and others received their new belts.

We were also honored to promote Gild Gomes to the rank of black belt. Gild has been a dedicated student for many years and we are all proud to have him part of our family.

Another important accomplishment that evening was Vinny Souza receiving his first degree of black belt.

This was a truly spectacular night and we want to congratulate everyone on their accomplishments.

BTT Boston’s End of Year Celebration

To close this great year of 2013 our BTT Boston’s family will be united on Saturday, December 7.

We will celebrate the End of Year Party at the Petit Robert Central Bistro, bring friends and family to this happy celebration.

Purchase your tickets, that includes buffet and 1 drink, at the front desk . The Petit Robert Central Bistro is located at 101 Arch Street, Boston, MA.

Don’t forget the last Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Belt Promotions of the 2013 will be held on Wednesday, December 4th at 7pm and Thursday, December 5th at 12pm.


Brazilian Top Team Boston End of Year Celebration

When: Saturday December 7th

Time: 7pm

Cost: $20 (includes buffet and 1 drink)

Where: Petit Robert Central Bistro

101 Arch Street,

Boston, MA

BTT Boston End of Year Belt Ceremony

The BTT Boston Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu End of Year Belt Ceremony of the 2013 will be held on Wednesday, December 4th at 7pm and Thursday, December 5th at 12pm.

That’s your chance to get stripes or belt and to see your evolution. If you can’t make it, please let your instructor know.

For this last Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Belt Ceremony of the 2013 Prof. Daniel Gazoni and Prof. João Amaral will be helping conduct the annual belt promotion

The ceremony fee is $30, the event will be held at the Combined Martial Arts Academy in Everett, home the Brazilian Top Team.

BTT Boston Summer Belt Promotion

BTT Boston held its summer belt promotion on July 15th 2013 and would like to congratulate everyone that participated and earned new stripes and belts.

We would also like to congratulate John Kourafalos in receiving his black belt. He has been training hard for over ten years and his patience and dedication has earned him this very special rank.

Also, Bruno Amaral received his first degree on his black belt.
